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Author Guidelines

Acta Numismatica Hungarica

Submission Guidelines for Authors

Acta Numismatica Hungarica (ANH) will be published as an open-access, annual, peer-reviewed online numismatic journal in PDF format with continuous page numbering. The journal covers numismatics and joined sciences from antiquity to the modern days. The journal will publish original research articles, reviews. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to The format of the manuscript should be either Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) or LibreOffice Writer (.odt). We can accept manuscripts in English only (bilingual papers are also accepted, however, in this case English should be the primary language). The manuscript should include title, author's name, affiliation and email address, text with footnotes, list of works cited, figure captions and an abstract of 100-200 words. It should be typed single-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman (or Times New Roman CE) font without any additional formatting, e.g. paragraph indenting, page breaks, page numbering etc. Tables, plates and figures should not be embedded in the text, place them instead in separate files. Figures should be submitted as separate high-quality image files (see below). Please note that editors are in no position to pay any honoraria for the authors. Following the policy of open-access journals, papers published in ANH will be freely available in full text online and in a downloadable format to anyone without any fees or subscription.


The ANH does not use in-text citation, except for references to primary ancient sources. References to classical literature should be given in parentheses in full (Vitruvius, De architectura 2.3.3) or abbreviated form (Vitr., De arch. 2.3.3) following standard conventions, including author, title (italicized) and the appropriate book, chapter, paragraph, or line numbers, separated by periods. Notes should be formatted as footnotes, not endnotes. Bibliographical citations should appear in chronological order and to be drawn from the list of cited works. These citations should consist of the author's last name, the year of publication, and relevant inclusive pages, figures, plates, etc. Do not use abbreviations such as op. cit., loc. cit., ibid., idem, passim, infra, supra or vague page ranges, e.g. 125f. or 125ff.

Bibliographical citations:

1 Smith 2013, 145. (Single work cited)

2 Smith 2013, 145, fig. 23–24; Blake 2011. (Multiple works cited, separated by semicolons)

3 Smith 2008; 2009a, 456, pl. 49; 2009b. (Multiple references to the same author, separated by semicolons. Use alphabetical suffixes for publications by the same author in one year)

4 Smith – Barr-Sharrar 2012, 53–98. (in case of two authors, separate them with n-dashes surrounded by spaces)

5 Smith et al. 2009, 1–23, 25–31. (in case of three or more authors, use et al.)

Notes with discussion and bibliographical citations:

1 The sculpture has been dated by Smith (Smith 2008, 156) to the first century B.C., but Howard (Smith 2011, 234–236) argues a later date.

2 Numerous inscriptions have been found in Greece (Smith 2008, 34, fig. 8b; 2011, 245–246, pl. 14; Blake 2013, 55) and Italy (Howard 1987, 53–94, pl. 1–25).

Works cited

Manuscripts end with a list of all works cited, in alphabetical order by last name of first author. Authors' and editors' first names should be given as initials. Titles of journals and series should be abbreviated. Titles of journals and books should be italicized. The abbreviation of journals should be resolved in a separate list. Please ensure that all references listed in the bibliography are cited in the text, as well as all cited works are included in the bibliography.

Sample references:


Boucher, S.

1973    Bronzes romains figurés du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon. Lyon.

1 Boucher 1973, 25.

Fouet, G. – Savès, G.

1978    L’or de Tolosa volé à Vieille-Toulouse. Toulouse.

1 Fouet – Savés 1978, 25, pl. 3.

Hunter, J. – Roberts, C. – Martin, A.

1997    Studies in Crime: An introduction to Forensic Archaeology. New York.

1 Hunter et al. 1997, 46–51.

Editor as author:

Arce, J. – Brukhalter, F. (Eds.)

1993    Bronces y religion romana. Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de bronces antiguos. Madrid.

1 Arce – Brukhalter 1993.

Book in a series:

Böhme, H.W.

1974    Germanische Grabfunde des 4. bis 5. Jahrhunderts zwischen unterer Elbe und Loire. Münchner Beiträge zur Vor – und Frühgeschichte 19. München.

1 Böhme 1974, 13–14, 16–17.

References to parts of books:

Kolšek, V.

1993    Die bronzen aus Celeia. In: Arce, J. – Brukhalter, F. (eds.): Bronces y religion romana. Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de bronces antiguos. Madrid, 261–274.

1 Kolšek 1993, 268.

Journal article:

Burger, A.

1974    Rómaikori temető Somodor-pusztáról. Archaeologiai Értesítő 101, 64–101.

1 Burger 1974, 100–101, fig. 2–3.

Journal with no volume number:

Pichard, M. P.

1992    La composition architecture des temples de Pagan. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 357–374.

1 Pichard 1992, 359.

Figure captions

References to figures in the text must appear in consecutive order. Please refer to all types of illustrations (images, maps, tables, plates, etc.) as Fig. in abbreviated form. A list of figures with appropriate captions and credits should be provided at the end of the manuscript text. All explanatory material and legends should be placed in captions. Captions should be set as suggested below, with credits placed in parentheses and ending with a period.

Fig. 1. Aerial view of the excavation (Photo: R. Smith).

Fig. 2. Details of the inscription (Howard 1965, pl. 23).


There is no limit of figures authors are allowed to submit, however, the amount of figures should be in proportion with the length of the text. We can accept digital images in color or grayscale, named using the author's name, figure number and file extension (Smith_Fig_1.tif). TIFF or JPEG format with at least 300 dpi is recommended. Please ensure you named your files correctly.

In case of any questions, please contact the editors at